

I went traveling to around Mt. Fuji with my friends of part-time job this week-end.

We assembled at Shinjuku on November 19 at night and left Tokyo for Yamanashi. We arrived an hotel at 23:00 and we took a hot spring bath. Then at 0:00, we drank and talked a lot of things until about 3:00. I burst out laughing after a long time!!! We really had pleasantly time

And next day, we got up at 7:00 and got ready for FUJIKYU HIGHLAND. It was very good day and people were not so much because we took a lot of attractions. I have come there twice but I had an attraction I haven't taken all this time. So I could take the attraction and I was very satisfied!(^^)!

We left there at 18:00 and on the way we had a dinner. Then I came back my home at 23:00.

This was a small trip but this trip with them is something pleasant to look back on

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