
A great man


Last Saturday, I had an orientation of studying abroad at Surugadai campus. After that I was shopping at MYROAD until part-time job. Then, a pedestrian bridge near it was filled with people. I thought so "What's happen!?" and I went to see there. There was Prime Minister Naoto Kan. He had make a speech and people took a picture and movie with curiosity. To add to a lot of people in Shinjuku the condition was very very terrible(+_+)!! As a result I had to go to part-time job hastily.

Then I read my blog again, I always write about the Saturday. So I seem to have something on every Saturday.

A song I introduce is sung by Kou Shibasaki, title is "OMOIDE DAKEDEHA TSURASUGIRU;思い出だけではつらすぎる" When I listen this song, I feel sad but this is very lovely tune. I'd like for you to listen it.

See you again!

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