
happy day♪

Last Sunday, I had dinner and drank with my friends of part-time job at our restaurant. We ate a Caesar salad, pizza, meat grill, and dessert. That were very very delicious so I was very happy. And we had "girls talk" about a love feeling of each other. More and more we talk, we warmed up. Happy time flashed by. I want to drink with them again.

I am addicted to AAA. They are singer. AAA means "Attack All Around" and a member of 7; 5 boys and 2 girls. Their performance is very cute and made me exacting. I want to their live concert.

Finally, I introduce a song. "Diary" song by KOBUKURO. I love KOBUKURO, so they are the best of artist. Their songs are very goooooood!!!! They will release an album "ALL COVERS BEST", so they cover the song of others; Derek & the Dominos, AYAKA, Yutaka Ozaki and so on. So I'm looking forward to releasing it.

Nice have a day:)

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