

Last Sunday, I had girls talk with NOZOMI and classmates. We spent together about 2 years but we had not have a dinner with all. So I was very looking forward to this time. We talked about a lot of things and ate a lot of foods and drinks for 3 hours. After that, we had print club so it was very very wonderful time

Then, we will have winter vacation I will return to my hometown on December 29. I have much homework but I am looking forward to seeing my local friends and the coming-of-age celebration\(^O^)/

The restaurant I work is very very busy because December is a year-end party season. So I will work almost until I return to my hometown.

See you!(^^)!



I went traveling to around Mt. Fuji with my friends of part-time job this week-end.

We assembled at Shinjuku on November 19 at night and left Tokyo for Yamanashi. We arrived an hotel at 23:00 and we took a hot spring bath. Then at 0:00, we drank and talked a lot of things until about 3:00. I burst out laughing after a long time!!! We really had pleasantly time

And next day, we got up at 7:00 and got ready for FUJIKYU HIGHLAND. It was very good day and people were not so much because we took a lot of attractions. I have come there twice but I had an attraction I haven't taken all this time. So I could take the attraction and I was very satisfied!(^^)!

We left there at 18:00 and on the way we had a dinner. Then I came back my home at 23:00.

This was a small trip but this trip with them is something pleasant to look back on


My father

I'm sorry for late to write this blog.

Yesterday, I went to lunch with my father. He came to Tokyo to take part in the alumni association of track and field club in his college days on Saturday. We ate tempura at Shinjuku and talked about each other.
I can speak about me with composure because he listens my story in a calm manner. So, when I have an important thing, I always speak to him.
I will probably see him at the end of the year, so I'm looking forward to eating his cooking.

Today, I must do my homework... I am pressed by subjects in second term, but I think this time is important time I have to do my best.

This week-end, I go traveling with my friends of part-time job. I can't wait the day I hope that it will be sunny day



My precious xxx

2weeks ago week-end, I went to SPOCHA with my friends of part-time job.

We left after our job, so it was at midnight. Therefore, we were growing tense more and more.

When we arriverd at SPOCHA, at first, we sang for 2 hours in Karaoke. In the room, there is a small stage, because we sang at the stage one by one, so our tension more over heat up. It was very very fun!

After that, we played at SPOCHA. We played basketball, soccer, batting, tennis, golf, billiards and so on. So we enjoyed from 2 to 6 o'clock at SPOCHA.

I really pleasantly with my friends.

And yesterday, I also met my friends of part-time job.

We ate and drank at Shinjuku after part-time job. At the end of banquet, they congratulated me on coming back from France with a cake. So I was very very surprised at that, but I was much more happier than surprise.

After that, we went to Karaoke.

I also had a very good time yesterday.

My friends of part-time job are my precious people!



Good evening, everyone*

I went to the concert of KOBUKURO on last week-end. It had been about a year since they had held the last concert, because I was very very looking forward to going to it and my friend had came from Kyoto to it. It was held at the AJINOMOTO STADIUM, so there was the open-air concert. I have never been to the open-air concert, but it was very very beautiful and wonderful.
They are very very entertainer. Because, their music are, of course, very wonderful and they enchant with their talking and acting. Their fans love all of them.

During the concert, I was very very happy, and it is one of the memory of mine in this year. I will go to another artist concert next month. Now, it is my pleasure.

KOBUKURO will release the first single CD next month. It is also good song, so please listen to it!

Good night


clere mind★

Good evening!

I finished three tests on Wednesday, so I feel free and relaxed! The rest of tests is only 2tests. Because I don't study today A reward for me with the Caramel Frappuccino of STARBUCKS. I always drink it whenever I go there. This is best drink for me. If you love chocolate, please try to drink the Chocolate Chips Frappuccino. This is secret menu I never drink it because I don't like chocolate(;_;) But my friend love chocolate said very delicious!

I love cute girls I have loved TODA ERIKA since I was junior high school student. She is very pretty and beautiful! And I also love another actor, YOSHITAKA YURIKO. Her voice is very cute and her smile is very charming Now, she plays the leading part of "MIOKA", please check it!

Today's song is "CRY FOR YOU"by JAY'ED. He also has beautiful voice. He is,of course man, but his voice carries as well as woman.

Have a nice weekend!



Last Friday, I have the orientation of studying abroad. After that, we had dinner. Then I listened to the story which people went to France last summer. They all member said that going to France was very very good and want to go there once again! So I'm looking forward to going France more than ever. There are about 10 days by my departure. I want to enjoy French life all day!!!

Tomorrow I have three tests, that are language tests! So tomorrow will be very very heavy and serious day...haha

I introduce today's song. This is "let go" by m-flo loves YOSHIKA. It is very sad and painful. This vocal YOSHIKA has very very beautiful voice. Because I become sad too much.
Please listen this song♪

See you tomorrow! Do our best


gooooooooood day

I'm sorry for late to update this circle.
This picture is the live concert of UVERworld.
In July 3 and 4, I went to the live concert of UVERworld at the YOYOGI First Gymnasium.This title is "UVERworld LAST Tour 2010" I went to a live for the first time this year. I had been to some concerts at this time last year, because I was restless the first day. But when the live concert was started, I got excited! The construction of this live was connected with their album "LAST ", but that was not only new songs only old songs. So we were very very satisfied and impressed, but I can not express the mood and my feelings in words. So the concerts were very very very wonderful!!!! And, they announced big news to us. That is the live concert at TOKYO dome in November 27 for the first time. I simply want to go to the concert!!!!

Today's song is "HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY" by DREAMS COME TRUE. This song made people celebrate own birthday and around that one happy♪ Please sing this song when your birthday and your precious person's birthday.

See you!


happy!! happy!! happy!!

Yesterday, I had dinner with my friends of my part-time job; three boys and four girls college students , so we work for same place and we are good friends. To have dinner with this member was the first time so I was looking forward to this. We really had been talking for 4.5 hours so I spent very very very happy time. But I need more time so I want to talk with them now. I love them and I really feel that I was extremely lucky to come across my job member. In the near future, I want to have diner with my luv friends again

Then today, I received a letter from my grand mother. Still I was high school student, every year I used to see her. But from I was college student, I have not seen to her. I want to see her very much!! But I will not probably see to her because I go to French in this summer vacation. I hope her to be simply healthy.

Finally I introduce my love song. Today's song is "YUME WO MIKATA NI; 夢を味方に" by AYAKA. This song made me encourage so wonderful song.

Well, see you again tomorrow.


A great man


Last Saturday, I had an orientation of studying abroad at Surugadai campus. After that I was shopping at MYROAD until part-time job. Then, a pedestrian bridge near it was filled with people. I thought so "What's happen!?" and I went to see there. There was Prime Minister Naoto Kan. He had make a speech and people took a picture and movie with curiosity. To add to a lot of people in Shinjuku the condition was very very terrible(+_+)!! As a result I had to go to part-time job hastily.

Then I read my blog again, I always write about the Saturday. So I seem to have something on every Saturday.

A song I introduce is sung by Kou Shibasaki, title is "OMOIDE DAKEDEHA TSURASUGIRU;思い出だけではつらすぎる" When I listen this song, I feel sad but this is very lovely tune. I'd like for you to listen it.

See you again!


happy day♪

Last Sunday, I had dinner and drank with my friends of part-time job at our restaurant. We ate a Caesar salad, pizza, meat grill, and dessert. That were very very delicious so I was very happy. And we had "girls talk" about a love feeling of each other. More and more we talk, we warmed up. Happy time flashed by. I want to drink with them again.

I am addicted to AAA. They are singer. AAA means "Attack All Around" and a member of 7; 5 boys and 2 girls. Their performance is very cute and made me exacting. I want to their live concert.

Finally, I introduce a song. "Diary" song by KOBUKURO. I love KOBUKURO, so they are the best of artist. Their songs are very goooooood!!!! They will release an album "ALL COVERS BEST", so they cover the song of others; Derek & the Dominos, AYAKA, Yutaka Ozaki and so on. So I'm looking forward to releasing it.

Nice have a day:)


to broaden my horizons

Hello!(^^)! Everyone!!
I'm sorry for renewing my page.

The week before last Saturday, I took a French test to go to France and study there for this Summer vacation. It's too difficult to answer hardly. But this is motivated to me. So until I go to France, I try to do my best studying.

Then last Saturday, we had an entrance examination of seminar. And today, the result is made us public. I pass the test of seminar which I want to enter, so I'm very very relieved and happy(^ω^)

Uh,,, and I have a lot of subjects; report, short test, and prep. So I have a hectic every day. After finishing these things, I want to pass a day, especially to watch many music DVDs.

I'm looking forward to things. On July and October, I go to live concerts are my love artists. I haven't been a live since last December so I want to be exciting!!! Because I'm impatient for that.

Finally, I introduce my favorite song for you.
Today's song is "simple" song by Mr.Children.
This is one of oldest song of their history.

See you tomorrow:)


a substantial weeeeeeek!!

Good evening:) and how do you do?

There was an orientation of seminar at university.
So we will start a seminar and we have to take tests to enter it.
I'm interested in marketing and media so I want to enter the seminar dealing with them.
But I still waver in judgment, because I will decide the seminar after I go to various introductions of seminar.

Then, I have two part-time jobs now.
I worked from May 7th to 17th so I'm very very tired now.
But my jobs are a challenging and there are good relationship so I lead a full everyday!!!

Today is holiday after an interval of 11 days ; I don't have my job today.
After my class, I go to shopping and buy a one-piece and pants that are floral designs at my favorite store : PAGEBOY.
I love floral designs and PAGEBOY so I'm thoughtless of them.

Finally I love music exactly "NO MUSIC, NO LIFE"!!
I introduce my favorite song for everyone here every time.

"美影意志 ; MIKAGEISHI" song by UVERworld.
This lyric always made me happy.
Please listen to this song!!!

See you tomorrow:) YUKA